Collaborative Movie Recommendation System using Enhanced Fuzzy C-Means Clustering with Dove Swarm Optimization Algorithm
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Recommender Systems (RSs) aid in filtering information seeking to envisage user and item ratings, primarily from huge data to recommend the likes. Movie RSs offer a scheme to help users categorize them based on comparable interests. This enables RSs to be a dominant part of websites and e-commerce applications. This paper proposes an optimized RS for movies, primarily aiming to suggest an RS by clustering data and Computational Intelligence (CI). Unsupervised clustering, a model-based Collaborative Filtering (CF) category, is preferred as it offers simple and practical recommendations. Nevertheless, it involves an increased error rate and consumes more iterations for converging. Enhanced Fuzzy C-Means (EFCM) clustering is proposed to handle these issues. Dove Swarm Optimisation Algorithm (DSOA)-based RS is proposed for optimising Data Points (DPs) in every cluster, providing effcient recommendations. The performance of the proposed EFCM-DSOA-based RS is analysed by performing an experimental study on benchmarked MovieLens Dataset. To ensure the effciency of the proposed EFCM-DSOA-based RS, the outcomes are compared with EFCM-Particle Swarm Optimization (EFCM-PSO) and EFCM-Cuckoo Search (EFCM-CS) based on standard optimization functions. The proposed EFCM-DSOA-based RS offers improved F-measure, Accuracy, and Fitness convergence.
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