An Experimental Study of Wireless Network Configuration for a Device-free Human Detection System using RSSI Signals
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In recent years, device-free localization (DFL) has been an interesting technique that can detect humans in both indoor and outdoor environments without attaching any devices to them. Since the DFL is integrated with wireless networks, it can be applied in several applications. In this paper, we propose the network conguration protocol for the device-free human detection system using a received signal strength indicator (RSSI) with wireless nodes based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The contribution and novelty of this proposed system are that it assigns a coordinator node for setting important parameters, including sampling rate, transmit power, filter algorithm, and window size, to adapt the network behavior for efficient human detection. The packet delivery ratio (PDR) has been studied for the network performance of this system. Experimental results show that the packet success rate is higher than 90% when the sampling rate is less than 100 samplings per second. Additionally, to increase human detection accuracy, a weighted moving average (WMA) filter is employed to smooth the RSSI data. Appropriate window size has also been studied for this process. Finally, the experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system with a zone-based detection method obtains high accuracy regarding the correct detection.
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