Improved Fairlet Decomposition for Fair Correlation Clustering
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We consider fairness in correlation clustering, a fundamental clustering problem when the similarity between data points is represented as graphs. The fairness conditions we focus on guarantee that the resulting clusters satisfy the required proportion of population groups, modeled as vertex colors. Recently, Ahmadian, Epasto, Kumar, and Mahdian considered fairness constraints parameterized by α, the maximum fraction of points in a cluster having the same color. They addressed fairness constraints in correlation clustering using the fairlet decomposition framework and solved the fairlet decomposition problem for many fairness constraints α using optimization problems on median costs. This paper gives algorithms for the median-cost problem with better approximation ratios for various cases, to obtain improvements on the approximation ratios for the correlation clustering problem from 256 to 174 when α = 1/2 and from 16.48C2 to 40.96C+4.12 when α = 1/C, where C is the number of colors. We also consider the notion of proportional fairness, where there are only two colors with dierent population sizes. We give an approximation algorithm with provable approximation ratios, and provide connections to a star-covering problem.
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