An integration of TAM with usage barriers and ability to understand consumers intention to use SSTs
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This study examined the factors that influence consumers’ acceptance and use of self-service technology by integrating a ground theory model such as the technology acceptance model and the theory of innovation adoption. The variables that affect consumers’ attitudes and intentions were investigated; this included perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, relative advantage, complexity and knowledge. Further, the variables from the resistance theory, which consist of usage barriers and ability, were investigated. Interviews and surveys were conducted with two business operators that provide TVM services; eight hundred online and offline consumers who experienced the TVMs were selected as a sample. The research model of this study was developed, and the correlations between the variables analyzed, using structural equation modeling. Our results confirm that the factors such as relative advantage, knowledge, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use positively affected the attitude and intention toward using the TVM; factors such as usage barriers and complexity negatively impacted the intention to use the top-up machine. These results can be used as baseline data for developing or designing self-service technology. Entrepreneurs should consider these factors to make technology continue to be recognized and persisted in the use of technology.
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