As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
The manuscript has been prepared according to the standard Paper Template of the Journal and is in both Microsoft Word and PDF file formats. The maximum file size of the manuscript file is less than 10 MB (occasionally stretch to 15 MB) Template for Preparation of Full Paper. The authors are requested to avoid scanned Photos, Figures, Tables and other material to keep their file sizes low and for reasons of space. The text, figures and tables adhere to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author's Guideline.
Necessary permission from the copyright owner(s) have been obtained for the figures, tables, or text passages included the manuscript, that have already been published elsewhere.
SEAGS-AGSSEA Journal will consider papers that contain materials previously published in conference proceedings only if the submitted paper contains at least 50% new materials, text, tables, and figures. The previously published conference paper must be cited in the submitted paper, and the author must provide a copy of the conference paper in question. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission to reuse tables, figures, and verbatim block quotes exceeding 250 words. 5. The submitted paper will be reviewed under the regular Journal review procedure.
Author Guidelines
Paper Contribution, Technical Notes and Discussions
SEAGS & AGSSEA encourage the submission of scholarly and practice-oriented articles to its journal. The journal is published quarterly. Both sponsors of the journal, the Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society and the Association of Geotechnical Societies in Southeast Asia, promote the ideals and goals of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering in fostering communications, developing insights and enabling the advancement of the geotechnical engineering discipline. Thus the publishing ethics followed is similar to other leading geotechnical journals. Standard ethical behaviour of the authors, the editor and his editorial panel, the reviewers and the publishers is followed.
Before you submit an article, please review the guidelines stated herein for the manuscript preparation and submission procedures. A paper template is available upon request.
Geotechnical Engineering Journal accepts submissions via electronic. The manuscript file (text, tables, and figures) in both Word and PDF format together with the submission letter should be submitted to the Secretariat and copied to the Editor-in-Chief, Geotechnical Engineering Journal, c/o School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Room no. 116, SET Building, Asian Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand, Email: <> Papers under review, accepted for publication or published elsewhere are not accepted. The guidelines for the author are as follows:-
The manuscript including abstract of not more than 150 words and references must be typed in Times New Roman 9 on one side of A4 paper with a margin of 25 mm on each side. The abstract should be written clearly stating the purpose, scope of work and procedure adopted together with the major findings including a summary of the conclusions.
The paper title must not exceed 50 characters including spaces.
The maximum length of papers in the print format of the Journal is 12 two-column pages in single-spaced in Times New Roman 9 including figures and tables. A Journal page contains approximately 1,040 words. Authors can approximate manuscript length by counting the number of words on a typical manuscript page and multiplying that by the number of total pages (except for tables and figures). Add word-equivalents for figures and tables by estimating the portion of the journal page each will occupy when reduced to fit on a 160 mm x 240 mm journal page. A figure reduced to one quarter of a page would be 260 word equivalents. When reduced, the figure must be legible and its type size no smaller than 6 point font (after reduction). Restrict file size of each paper to less than 3 to 5 MB; in exceptional cases can stretch to less than 7 to 10MB; the latter is an exception rather than the norm
Figures: Line art should be submitted in black ink or laser printed; halftones and color should be original glossy art. Figures should be submitted at final width i.e. 90 mm for one column and 185 mm for two columns. The font of the legends should be in Times New Roman and should use capital letters for the first letter of the first word only and use lowercase for the rest of the words. Background screening and grids are not acceptable.
Each table must be typed on one side of a single sheet of paper.
All mathematics must be typewritten and special symbols identified. Letter symbols should be defined when they first appear.
The paper must have an introduction and end with a set of conclusions.
Practical applications should be included, if appropriate.
If experimental data and/or relations fitted to measurements are presented, the uncertainty of the results must be stated. The uncertainty must include both systematic (biased) errors and imprecisions.
Authors need not be Society members. Each author’s full name, Society membership grade (if applicable), present title and affiliation and complete mailing address must appear as a footnote at the bottom of the first page of the paper.
Journal papers submitted are subject to peer review before acceptance for publication.
Each author must use SI (International System) units and units acceptable in SI. Other units may be given in parentheses or in an appendix.
A maximum of five keywords should be given.
Bian, J., Gu, Y., and Murray, M. H. (2013). “A Dynamic Wheel-Rail Impact Analysisof Railway Track Under Wheel Flat by Finite Element Analysis.” International Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics, Taylor & Francis Group, 51(6), 784-797.
Chao, K. C., Overton, D. D., and Nelson, J. D. (2006). “Design and Installation ofDeep Benchmarks in Expansive Soil.” Journal of Surveying Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 132(3), 124-131.
Nelson, J. D., Chao, K. C., Overton, D. D., and Nelson, E. J. (2015). “Foundation Engineering for Expansive Soils.” John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY.
15. Discussions on a published paper shall be made in the same format and submitted within six months of its appearance and closing discussion will be published within twelve months.
Copyright Notice
The Author hereby assigns to the Publisher the copyright to the Contribution named above whereby the Publisher shall have the exclusive right to publish the said Contribution in print and in electronic form and translations of it wholly or in part throughout the World during the full term of copyright including renewals and extensions and all subsidiary rights.
The Author retains the right to republish the Contribution in any printed collection consisting solely of the Author’s own Works without charge and subject only to notifying the Publisher of the intent to do so and ensuring that the publication by the Publisher is properly credited and that the relevant copyright notice is repeated verbatim.
The Author guarantees that the Contribution is original, has not been published previously, is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that any necessary permission to quote from another source has been obtained. (A copy of any such permission should be sent with this form).
The author declares that any person named as co-author of the Contribution is aware of the fact and has agreed to be so named.
The Author declared that, if the Consent to Publish form has been downloaded from the Publisher’s website or sent by e-mail, the form has not been changed in any way without the knowledge of the Publisher.