Wastes reduction in production process using green productivity : a case study in rice noodle factory


  • ปณิธาน พีรพัฒนา Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Klion Kaen University
  • มงคล สายขุนทด ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมอุตสาหการ คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น


wastes reduction, rice noodle factory, green productivity


The objective of this study was to decrease wastes in the rice noodle production process by using the green productivity concept in order to reduce the rice starch leached out from rice-soaking water and to decrease the scrap of noodle from cutting process. To reduce the leached out rice starch, the first alternative was to add some ice into the rice wash tank to lessen the water temperature. The second alternative was suggesting to change the rice wash tank from the vane type to the air strir type. While, sharpening the blade of the cutting machine every 5 days instead of every 10 days was suggested in order to reduce the noodle scrap. Then calculating the Green Productivity Index, Green Productivity Ratio and Green Productivity portfolio of all alternatives for evaluating the best in both productivity and environmental impact. It was found that the use of air strir type rice wash tank had more efficiency than other methods.






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