Application of crude proteolytic enzyme extract from fresh rhizome ginger to produce coconut oil
crude extract, rhizome ginger, coconut oiAbstract
Crude extract from fresh rhizome ginger contained crude proteolytic enzyme and phenolic compound as antioxidant. Crude proteolytic enzyme extract from fresh ginger was used to produce coconut oil with high antioxidant activity and low hydrolysis and oxidation susceptibility. The main objective of this work was to produce coconut oil at 60 oC for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 hours by using crude proteolytic enzyme extract from fresh rhizome ginger and determine the total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and stability of coconut oil obtained from this process. Coconut oil was produced by using four different ratios of coconut meat to fresh rhizome of ginger (w/w)–2.5:0.5, 2.5:1.0. Our results indicated that using crude proteolytic enzyme extract from fresh rhizome ginger provided high coconut oil yield of ~17% during 2-3 hours while without protease coconut oil was still not produced. It was found that increasing the fresh rhizome of ginger content resulted in increasing total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and stability of coconut oil. Moreover, coconut oil with low free fatty acid and peroxide value was more inactive to hydrolysis and oxidation reaction. Thus, there is a potential production of coconut oil with high phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and stabilityfor application in healthy food products or cosmetic.