A preliminary observation of a Trichodina sp. (Ciliophora: Peritricha) on the skin of Elysia singaporensis (Sacoglossa, Plakobranchidae)
Elysia singaporensis , sea slug, SEM study, TrichodinaAbstract
The parasitic protozoa are a serious problem for aquatic animals both of natural and cultured condition. Therefore, the health checked investigation is necessitated. During the parasitological survey of sea slug species from Kranji mangrove forest of Singapore and tidal area of the mangrove forest in Bangtawa of Southern Thailand. Three species of sea slug (Elysia singaporensis , E. bangtawaensis and E. leucolegnote ) were examined. A ciliate protozoan with flat disc shaped, 2 ciliary rows, denticulate ring presence. According to these characters, it was identifiled as Trichodina sp. This present study provides the first record of Trichodina sp. on the sea slug (E. singaporensis ) host from Singapore.