Analysis of safe working model for maintenance operator in battery recycling industry


  • Praparat Dangsuwan Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
  • Jittra Rukijkanpanich Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University


Hazard risks of maintenance operators, Hazard of exposure to lead, Battery recycling industries, Lead exposure


Maintenance operators in the battery manufacturing and battery recycling industries are at an increased risk of lead poisoning which also contaminates the atmosphere and workspace. The objective of this research is to analyze the working patterns of safety of maintenance operators. Conducting research starts from 1) Measurement of the operating environment Observing the behavior Observing work behavior and lead exposure channels. 2) Hazard risk assessment using FMEA as a risk assessment guideline to analyze safe working patterns. The results showed that the channels of exposure to the body are 1) the respiratory system through inhalation of fumes, dust, vapors, 2) skin contact from liquids contaminated with lead, and 3) the gastrointestinal tract from lead-contaminated hands and bodies. Factors affecting lead exposure according to chance of exposure are as follows: 1) lead dust dispersion 2) heat sources causing lead vapor, 3) wet area from lead contaminated liquid, 4) work behavior, 5) working period, and 6) meal breaks. Preventive measures include 1) installation of equipment to prevent the spread of lead dust, 2) creation of a heat shield from lead vapor, 3) using accessories to facilitate the work of maintenance operators, 4) scheduling work efficiently to reduce working time exposed to heat, and 5) wearing protective clothing. Surveillance measures are divided into threat surveillance measures and health surveillance measures. After taking measurements for a period of ten months, it was found that lead in the maintenance operator’s blood was reduced from 461.70 µg/L (46.17 µg/dL) to 157.40 µg/L (15.74 µg/dL), which is within the normal range.


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