Estimation and Reduction Development of Microplastic Contaminated in Ice Produced from Chaiyaphum’s Water Resources


  • Surawut Sudha Department of Construction and Railway System Engineering, Faculty of Education, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University
  • Dussadeeporn Hirun Department of General Science, Faculty of Education Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University


Microplastic, Contaminate, Ice, Product, Water Resource


The objective of this research is to find microplastics contaminated in ice products for consumption. A case study was ice-produced in Muang Chaiyaphum district. There are 5 manufacturers in total. The samples are divided into 3 groups: group 1 water samples from raw water used for ice production, group 2 ice samples produced directly from operators, and group 3 ice samples that are distributed by random. The researcher collected the samples from December 2021 to April 2022 and brought them into the analytical process by selecting methods and standards according to the methods of Masura, Baker, Foster, Arthur, & Herring (2015) [14] that constructed as a specialized manual for NOAA. And the methods developed by Kanokwan Netsingsaeng (Naresuan University, 2020) [1]. To analysis categories were quantity, color, morphology and size of microplastics compared to 1 liter of water sample. The results showed that the average amount of microplastics in group 1 was 224 pieces, group 2 was 28 pieces, group 3 was 323 pieces. Microplastics color was found in Group 1 were 232 black, and 33 russet, in group 2 were 23 black and 5 russet, and group 3 were 310 black and 14 mean russet. Microplastic morphology was found that Group 1 were 201 fragments, 19 fibers and 4 films, Group 2 were 27 fragments, 1 fiber and 1 film, Group 3 were 306 fragments, 11 fibers and 7 films. The size of most microplastics is smaller than 1,000 micrometers, with only 0.005% found larger. The conclusion is the amount of microplastics in ice found 28 pcs/L was less contaminated compared to the Niall McCarthy (2018) average of 325 pcs/L [11]. The highest levels of microplastics were the Group 3 which is beyond this research and needs to study the factors affecting in the future. Innovative developments to reduce the amount of ice packaging materials can be changed from plastic sacks to waterproof fabrics. But still not worth the cost at present. and further study of the factors that affect it in the future.


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