Predicting Numbers of Automotive Tire in Container


  • Wipada Hansraj Chulalongkorn University
  • Oran Kittithreerapronchai Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University


Container Utilization, Loading Pattern of Automotive Tire, Multiple Linear Regression, Geometry


Because of the raw-material and production-capacity advantages, Thailand has become the manufacturing leader and exporter of automotive-tire industry. Nevertheless, the exporting tire remains inefficient in terms of transportation costs and cubical utilization of a container, similar to a case study manufacturer. The manufacturer imports international tires, consolidates with domestic ones, and exports them globally using Thailand as a regional hub. The analysis of historical data showed the discrepancy of load planning causing custom re-documentation and double handling of products within a distribution center. As a result, this research proposed a suitable linear regression using best subset selection method and analyzed its geometry to predicts quantities of automotive tires in each container using its dimension and loading pattern. The comparison with the testing data reveals the linear regression has higher accuracy and is more suitable for the container planning.


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