Electricity and Heat Generation from Photovoltaic/Thermal Module and Its Applications
Electricity and heat generation, Photovoltaic/thermal module, Performance enhancement, ApplicationsAbstract
This paper presented a concept on electrical power and heat rate generation of photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) module. A set of equations for calculating the module temperature, the generated electrical power and the total first law and second law efficiencies was also given. Moreover, some techniques on the unit performance enhancement were described such as installing fins and adjusting flow direction in case of air flow or attachment of water evaporating surface at the back of the PV module in case of floating PV module to reduce the module temperature by water evaporation, and coupling with heat pump to extract heat from the module for generating electricity, coolness and upgraded thermal energy, etc. The PV/T could be utilized in many applications those needed simultaneous electrical power and heat rate. The unit could be integrated as a part of building to generate electricity and warm air for building heating or drying of agricultural produce in greenhouse. With heat pump, the unit could generate hot water for residential use or high temperature hot water used in hotels, hospitals and industrial sectors in case of cascade heat pump and normally cool water is generated for cooling application thus the overall performance is very high and high potential on reduction of conventional could be obtained.
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