Development of Bamboo Tube Sawing Machine by Applying Ergonomics Principles and QFD
Bamboo sawing machine, Khao lam, Product development, Ergonomics, Quality function deploymentAbstract
The objective of this research is to design and develop a bamboo tube sawing machine used for baked sticky rice (Khoa Lam) according to ergonomic principles by applying the Quality Function Deployment technique (QFD). After studying the current machine used in the case study enterprise, many problems were found such as low operation efficiency, and poor machine design in terms of ergonomics and safety. Thus, this research employed RULA technique in order to assess the risks of postures that an operator performed when using the current machine. The RULA assessment indicated the risk level score at 6, which means that ergonomics problems were occurred. The research then applied QFD to collect user needs for the machine and translate these needs into the technical specifications of the machine. The results of QFD showed that the top three priorities of the technical specifications were having safety equipment, appropriate sound pressure level, and lower dust production. The 3 initial concepts of machine were then designed and evaluated to select the most appropriate one using factors rating method. The most preferred concept was then designed in detail by taking ergonomics into account. After that, the prototype of the new machine was constructed before testing and evaluating the results. Efficiency testing showed that the new machine had a sawing rate of 5 tubes per minute or 25 percent increasing from the current machine. The risk score of working postures was decreased to 4, or risk level of 2 when evaluating by RULA technique. User satisfaction assessment score was 4.46 out of 5, which was almost the highest level.
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