The Inspection of Agricultural Soil Quality in Area of Wasted Landfill, Chaiyaphum Municipal Wasted Landfill Case Study
Area of Wasted Landfill, heavy metal, Soil QualityAbstract
The purpose of this research was to examine the quality of soil in agricultural plantations of the areas affected by the contaminants spreading from landfills. This is a case study of a solid waste disposal station of Chaiyaphum Municipality, Chaiyaphum Province, Thailand. The researcher collected soil samples in the area east of the landfill site as a study area because it is a lower area and will support the deposition of leachate from such sources. In the process of collecting soil samples, a total of 9 spatial locations were collected at a depth of not more than 30 cm from the soil surface (shallow soil). In this study, The researcher studied some general soil properties and some of heavy metals contaminant in soil samples by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) method. The results showed that some soil properties were mean soil moisture content of 0.14±0.02 g/g. Soil pH value was 6.91±0.05 at the neutral level. The average percentage of soil organic matter was 1.71±0.89, which was at a moderate level. And the average soil electrical conductivity was 6.6±0.25 dS/m compared to the standard value. It was found to meet the standards of the Soil Chemical Inspection Process Manual. The amount of N P and K in the soil, the researcher used the test kit and found that the amount of N P and K in the soil was low. As for the heavy metal contaminants in the soil samples, the average content of Lead, Nickel and Copper was 12.76±1.77, 9.71±0.70 and 4.03±1.42 mg/kg, respectively. The values were in accordance with the standard.
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การเผยแพร่ในระบบวารสารแบบเปิดนี้ บทความจะสามารถนำไปใช้ได้ฟรีในการศึกษา และในทางที่ไม่เกี่ยวกับการค้า