Defective Reduction in Active Optical Cable Assembly Process


  • อาภานวล แก้วกาหลง คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
  • Jeerapat Ngaoprasertwong


Passive alignment technique, Defective reduction, Six sigma


Active Optical Cable or AOC is commonly used for high speed data transmission (100Gb/s) in many applications including Datacenter with continuous growth of demand. To make this product is competitive in the market, manufacturing process need to have high efficiency and low cost. This research aims to improve AOC assembly process particularly in optical engine level with Six sigma methodology DMAIC which consist of 5 phases as follow, (1) Define phase is to consider the most critical process and estimate and improvement target. (2) Measure phase, to analyze accuracy and precision of measurement system. (3) Analyze phase, to brainstorm possible cause and proceed statistical test to verify which input factor give significant different to defective rate. (4) Improve phase is to determine an effective solution for each factor. And the last (5) Control phase to follow up target achievement. The average defective rate is decreased from 10.96% to 1.49% or equal to 85%. This research can achieve breakthrough improvement by conducting Six sigma approach.


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