Procurement and Inventory Optimization of a Frozen Durian Manufacturer
Integer programming, Inventory Management, Procurement, Frozen durianAbstract
The aim of this research is to propose a mathematical model for effectively managing the inventory of whole frozen durian as raw materials, with the objective of minimizing logistics costs and formulating the procurement and storage policies of the company. The research commences by investigating logistics processes and supply chains, with a specific focus on the areas of procurement and storage of raw materials, production, and transportation. To accomplish this, an integer programming is developed to solve the problem by optimizing the objective function of minimizing costs. The obtained results are analyzed using CPLEX Studio, and the model's performance is evaluated using historical data while assessing the sensitivity of various parameters. The findings reveal that the raw material expenses constitute a significant portion, accounting for 97.16% of the total costs. Consequently, the model establishes two distinct price ranges: raw materials will be procured for storage if the price falls below 81.50 baht per kilogram, whereas the range of 82-85 baht per kilogram will be considered for production purposes. Subsequently, the raw materials will be stored in external cold storage facilities, with priority given to the first and second facilities, respectively.
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