Sightseeing Guidance System to Maximize Satisfaction Using Real-Time Spot Information

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Hirotoshi Honma
Yuya Sato
Yoko Nakajima


This study proposes a personalized sightseeing planning system that optimizes travel routes to maximize tourist satisfaction considering cost and time constraints. The proposed mathematical model considers the places the tourist wants to visit, cost, and time available and recommends the optimal number of places that can be visited and the shortest routes to these places. The proposed system could successfully suggest local tourist spots that can be visited in the given time and budget. We believe that our study makes a significant contribution to the literature because travelers at present have to rely on information available from websites, guidebooks, social networking sites, or from family and friends to gather information of places they plan to visit. Such information may be brief or need not be up-to-date as real-time factors like weather, seasons, temperature, time of day, and crowding or recent attractions added may not be available. Further the model can be easily adopted by tourism industry worldwide, while the tourists receive reliable and accurate travel advise to enhance the travelling experience.

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