Determining the Optimal Parameters of Oil Checking Processing Using Engineering Experimental Design Techniques

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Supat Silaloy
Chirawat Na-Badalung


Focuses on reducing waste in the plastic injection molding process by using the Design of Experiments (DOE) technique. Preliminary studies found that the oil level checking devices did not meet production specifications due to the plastic solidifying before completely filling the mold. This issue arose from unstable machine conditions, including injection pressure (P) in kilograms per square centimeter (kg/cm²), injection time (T) in seconds, and injection speed (S) in millimeters per second (mm/s). To identify the optimal parameters, the central composite design method was employed. The experimental parameters used were: injection pressure (P) at 966, 1000, 1050, 1100, and 1134 kg/cm²; injection time (T) at 17, 20, 25, 30, and 33 seconds; and injection speed (S) at 13, 15, 18, 20, and 22 mm/s. The optimal parameters determined were an injection pressure (P) of 1022 kg/cm², injection time (T) of 32 seconds, and injection speed (S) of 17 mm/s. Applying these optimal parameters in actual production resulted in a reduction of waste from 2.27% to 1.68%, and the cost per unit decreased from 5 baht per piece to 4.27 baht per piece.

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Research Article


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