Test of a Nafion Membrane Humidifier with a 300-W Stack PEMFC

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วิภาวดี วงษ์สุวรรณ
นฤทธิ์ หล่อประดิษฐ์


A Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) is compatible to the hydrogen-automobile. One important issue is fuel gas humidifying by using a humidifier. This research focuses on a Nafion Membrane Humidifier (NMH) to humidify a 300 W- stack PEMFC. The experimental results showed that at the temperature of hydrogen tube about 80º C, the maximum generated power was 212.4 W. If the tube temperature was varied by 60, 70 and 80º C, the resulted relative humidity (%RH) of hydrogen was 30.9%, 28.0% and 32.6%, respectively. Also, %RH of oxygen was 17.0%, 13.2% and 10.0%, respectively. Subsequently, the generated power was 193.68, 193.44 and 212.40 Watt, respectively. In theoretical study, the humidifier-PEMFC model could predict the relationship between an exit %RH of NMH and the generated power of PEMFC in the acceptable level.

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Research Article


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