The Process Development of Yarn Production from Sugarcane Leafs

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พรศิริ หลงหนองคูณ
ศรีกาญจนา จตุพัฒน์วโรดม
สาคร ชลสาคร


This research aims to study the extraction of fiber from sugarcane leafs, the optimum amount of cotton to produce yarn from sugarcane leafs, There were two factors studied as; Sodium hydroxide used varying of 4 levels; 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4% of the weights of the sugarcane leafs, and the time of boiling varying at 3 levels; 30, 60, and 90 minutes. The experiment used was Factorial in CRD 12 treatments based on % yield obtained. The optimum cotton yield in cane yarn production, the factors were study as the amount of cotton blended by varying at 5 levels; 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50. The selected by physical qualities; The extraction of sugarcane leafs gave the highest yield. Statisticall significant was at (P<0.05). The Sodium hydroxide content was 0.4% of the weights of the sugarcane leafs, and the time of boiling was 90 minutes The optimum cotton content was 30 percent. The uniformity grade F. The elongation was 11.38 %. The tensile strength was 4.24 Newton. The number of yarn was 0.94 Tex and The number of strands was 9.3 tpi.


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Research Article


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