Effects of External Collaboration and Network Embeddedness on Service Innovation Performance of Hospitality Industry in China: Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation

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Yuelan Dong
Suramon Chancharoen


The objective of this study was to examine the relationship of external collaboration, network embeddedness, and entrepreneurial orientation on service innovation performance and present the research findings using structural equation modeling, focusing on studying the path through which integrating external resources can improve service innovation performance via internal capabilities, in order to propose strategies for promoting service innovation performance in hospitality industry of China. The study employed a quantitative research method, specifically a questionnaire survey, to collect data from 381 staff members across eight high-star hotels in China. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, reliability and validity analysis, structural equation modeling, and the mediation effect of variables was analyzed using the Bootstrap method. The results of the study include: 1) external collaboration has a positive impact on service innovation performance; 2) structural embeddedness has a positive impact on service innovation performance; 3) relational embeddedness has a positive effect on service innovation performance. 4) entrepreneurial orientation has a positive impact on service innovation performance; 5) entrepreneurial orientation plays a mediating role between external collaboration and service innovation performance, between structural embeddedness and service innovation performance, and between relational embeddedness and service innovation performance. Meanwhile, the strategies for hotel enterprises to promote service innovation performance include: 1) seeking partnerships with diverse external entities actively; 2) striving to integrate deeply into business networks, and striving to gain a core position and bridge role in these relationships; 3) cultivating close, long-time and trust-based relationships with network partners; 4) nurturing the entrepreneurial culture that encouraging risk-taking, proactiveness, and innovativeness; 5) developing clear action plans, including specific goals, timelines, and performance metrics, to regularly monitor and evaluate the progress of the strategies.

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