Design and Analysis of Low Speed Multi-Blades Wind Turbine with Compressed Air Energy Storage (Part 2) - Performance Evaluation of the Turbine -

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Wasan Palasai


The objective of this research is to evaluate the performance of the electricity generation system using the low-wind speed multi-blade wind turbine with a reciprocating compressor to store the wind energy. Under the particular of the small wind power farm with the low wind-speed technology, less than 6 m/s, can taking in-place in Thailand. Then, the system of the machine has been tested and evaluated in the real environment. Comparison in both isothermal efficiency and the mechanical efficiency between laboratory and onsite performance test has been discussed in this research activity. The results from the prototype onsite and laboratory showed that both tests are consistent in terms of volumetric efficiency, isothermal efficiency and mechanical efficiency. Under this particular study, the research guideline can be used as a benchmark to ensure environmental and equipment sustainability in the context of system use in Thailand. 

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