Size and Type Optimization of Solar Photovoltaic Thermal Hybrid Assisted Heat Pump in Slaughterhouse
Solar PV/T, Heat pump, Performance, Hot water, SlaughterhouseAbstract
In Chiang Dao Municipality slaughterhouse, the electric heater was used to produce hot water of 2,500 liters at 65 ℃ for the scalding and scraping of pigs processes which wasted a lot of electricity. Therefore, this research aims to use solar photovoltaic thermal hybrid assisted heat pump to reduce electricity consumption. The mathematical model was developed for the optimum choosing of type and size of Solar PV/T both mono-Si PV/T and poly-Si PV/T based on economic analysis.
The study divided into two parts. The first part was a test to establish the mathematical equations to predict the performance of solar PV/T panels and heat pump performance. From the study, it was found that the mono-Si PV/T panels obtained FR(τα)e and FRUL with 0.328 and 7.2997 W/m2×K respectively, while FR(τα)e and FRUL of poly-Si PV/T panels were 0.275 and 8.4743 W/m2·K, respectively, and the average energy efficiency ratio (EER) of the heat pump was equal to
2.38 Wth/We. In the second part of the study, the mathematical models were used to predict the optimized system. It was found that the mono-Si PV/T of 295 WP 16 panels combined with the 17.8 kWth heat pump was the most suitable for producing hot water in Chiang Dao Municipality slaughterhouses. The electrical energy from the gridline could be decreased by 31,465.06 kWh/year or equivalent to a cost of electricity that compared to the electric heater use about 142,536.72 Baht/year. The system required an investment cost was 888,314.00 Baht and the payback period were equal to 6.23 years.
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