Interference Effects of Double buildings on Wind Pressure Acting on a Tall Building Using CFD Software
wind load, high-rise building, Computational Fluid Dynamics, base shear, base momentAbstract
There are only few studies of wind load using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to investigate interference affects on wind pressure acting on a tall building, and mostly only a single obstructing building is considered. Moreover studies of interference effects on base shear and base moment caused by wind are very rare. although they are practically main building design parameters. therefore, this research has been conducted to study interference effects of the in front obstructing double buildings on wind pressure acting on a tall building. The main concerned parameters consist of distance and position of those obstructing double buildings. The same size of 2 obstructing buildings (including, size of small, medium and large) are modelled at various distances in front and located symmetry along the horizontal axis perpendicular to the front surface of the main building with the equal space to the length of the main building along wind direction for allowing wind flow passing through to act on the main building and then analyzed suing commercial CFD software. The obtained simulation results of wind pressure and wind forces acting on the main building are used to find the relationship for estimating the base shear and moment acting on the main building. From the study, if the reduced interference distance, u, less than 1, the interference by the obstructing buildings is small about 10%. But when the obstruct distance increases, the interference effects also increase and reach maximum of the reduced obstructing distance about 11. For u larges than 11, the interference effects decrease with the further obstructing distance. For comparison results of the simulation by CFD with the wind tunnel test, the obtained results are quite different since the wind tunnel test consists of more than 2 surrounding buildings and 1 large low rise neighbour building. For the prediction of base shear and moment acting on the main building caused by wind using the interference factors, the estimation gives smaller base shear and moment than those obtained from CFD simulation for about 53% and 56% respectively. And if compares with the wind tunnel test results, the estimation is about 27% and 38% lesser for base shear and moment respectively
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Commonwealth Advisory Aeronautical Research Council (CAARC).

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