Travel Mode Choice Analysis in Nonthaburi Province Area to Silom Road Area Between Electric Ferry Boat and Purple Line Metro A Case Study of Phra Nang Klao Bridge – Silom
Utility Theory (UT), Stated Preference (SP), Purple Line Mass Transit System, Electric Ferry BoatAbstract
At present, one of the most convenient transit modal choices from Nonthaburi to Bangkok’s central business district (CBD), Silom Road, includes an electric ferry boat. In the future, if the purple mass transit Line project in both the northern and southern parts is completed and fully open for service. It will be an alternative public transit mode for Nonthaburi Province to Bangkok CBD Silom Road. The purpose of this research study is to study the modal choice between ferry and rail on Nonthaburi Province to Bangkok CBD Silom Road by utility theory and the stated preference (SP) survey method to investigate respondents’ choice under hypothetical situations. The proposed rail route choice is Phra Nang Klao Bridge area to Silom Road by the Purple Line mass transit system. The target respondent groups surveyed are classified into 1) travelers who have used the electric ferry boat service and 2) travelers who have never used the electric ferry boat. The surveyed data are analyzed to formulate a binary logit model for each respondent’s group. The study results show that the important influencing factors on modal choice decisions include travel time and fare. The proportion of mode changes to Purple Line mass transit system is up to 96.66 percent and 95 percent for those who have used and who have never used the electric ferry boat, respectively.
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