The relationship between groups of factors for assessing the development of construction projects in accordance with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy influencing people's quality of life enhancement
Construction project development, Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, Multiple regression methodAbstract
The purpose of this article is to study the relationship of a group of factors in the development of a construction project in accordance with the philosophy of sufficiency economy influencing on enhancing people's quality of life in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goal 17 (SDG17). The quantitative research was conducted by collecting data with a Likert scale at 5 levels from 138 engineers working on construction projects with over 5 years of work experience in public sectors, private sectors, and state enterprises. Then statistical data were analyzed by multiple regression analysis using a group of factors consisting of 7 independent variables and 4 dependent variables. The result found that there were only 5 groups of factors directly related to enhancing people's quality of life and the remaining two groups of factors were not directly related to enhancing people's quality of life. These two groups of factors will lead to a relationship that relies on the mediator variable, which is in accordance with the theory of the relationship of the sufficiency economy philosophy. The relationship concluded from this study can be analyzed in further research. This will enable the development of construction projects to proceed efficiently and in accordance with the sufficiency economy philosophy which will lead to long-term sustainability. As a result, the people in the country will be able to take full advantage of the developed projects and get the most benefit from the development of construction projects according to future urban expansion.
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