Development and Parametric Study of Thermodynamic and Heat Transfer Models for a Small Cogeneration Power Plant
Parametric study, Cogeneration efficiency, Primary Energy SavingAbstract
Cogeneration is high efficiency technology and consists of gas turbine, steam turbine and heat recovery steam generator. In the present research study, optimization model of a small cogeneration power plant in Thailand is developed, and the realistic cogeneration model is analyzed and improved by thermodynamic and heat transfer models. The numerical solution is obtained by using MATLAB. Furthermore, the important parameters that affect energy consumption and efficiency are the heat rate of fuel and the valve controlling high pressure at steam turbine outlet. The result from the simulation indicates that for the baseline case the cogeneration efficiency is 56.96% and the Primary Energy Saving (PES) is 16.72%. For the parametric study, by increasing the heat rate of fuel by 3%, the cogeneration efficiency and Primary Energy Saving increase to 57.50% and 17.53%, respectively. On the other hand, by increasing the high pressure at the steam turbine outlet by 7.5 bar, the cogeneration efficiency is nearly a constant and the Primary Energy Saving decreases to 16.62%.
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