Laboratory study on coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest of Bangkok Clay


  • Siam Yimsiri Sustainable Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Research Unit, Engineering Faculty, Burapha University
  • Wanwarang Ratananikom Sustainable Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Research Unit, Engineering Faculty, Burapha University


coefficient of earth pressure at rest, consolidation, Bangkok Clay, triaxial test


This research investigates a coefficient of earth pressure at rest of Bangkok Clay from a one-dimensional consolidation test in a laboratory.  The consolidation test is performed by a triaxial apparatus by which a constant rate of axial strain is applied and horizontal stress is continuously adjusted to achieve a condition of volumetric strain equals to axial strain.  The triaxial apparatus has been developed to be able to monitor axial and volumetric strains and automatically adjust horizontal stress.  The obtained consolidation properties by this method are compared with those obtained from the conventional oedometer test.  The obtained Ko properties are analyzed and compared with available empirical equations and published experimental data.  The potential errors of the test results are discussed.


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