Simulations of floating solar cell system in Bang Pra basin Chonburi province


  • Chairerg Jakpattanajit KU, Sriracha Campus


floating solar cell system, energy injected to grid, PVSyst, Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC)


Solar energy is renewable energy which is clean and non-polluting. The average solar radiation in Thailand is very high and has a great potential for electrical power production. Presently, solar energy production is increasing, especially in Eastern Thailand which is very important industrialized area for Eastern Economic Corridor and faces rising energy demand. This study simulates solar energy power system and selects Bang Pra basin in Chonburi province to be studied area for installing floating solar PV system. The installed capacity of all simulated case studies was 1 MW with determined by inverter rating. The simulations were done using PVSyst, then were analyzed and compared the results in terms of engineering aspect, energy injected to grid, and economic viewpoint for investment consideration.


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งานวิจัย (Research papers)