A new mangrove core record for Eastern Thailand: chemical characterization of bulk organic sediment by FTIR‒ATR spectroscopy and elemental analysis
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The eastern Gulf of Thailand features mixed low-relief geomorphology, characterized by intertidal mudflats, coastal wetlands, and relict sand deposits indicative of prograding barrier systems formed during Holocene regression. While previous research has focused on reconstructing sea-level changes using beach ridge records and mangrove pollen, there has been no comprehensive investigation into organic geochemical archives. This work aims to provide a new mangrove core record for Eastern Thailand, focused on chemical characterization of organic sediments and proxy reconstructions of relative environmental changes with depth, complementary to growing literature on coastal paleoenvironmental change in this region of the Gulf of Thailand. This research adopts an innovative approach to reconstructing environmental change by analyzing the chemical composition, relative sources, and cycling dynamics of mangrove organic matter, employing loss-on-ignition (LOI), elemental analyses, and Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy techniques. The PEM stratigraphic units encompass nutrient-poor surface tidal wash, organic-rich mangrove soils with active humus formation, and basal shallow marine sands with low organic content and high-energy horizons of fragmentary shells. Enhanced organic decomposition is evident in bioturbated surface sediments, while high total organic carbon to total nitrogen (TOC/TN) ratios indicates substantial allochthonous contributions from mangrove leaf litter and detrital organic matter via runoff from the Prasae River. Fluctuating TOC/TN values and FT-IR absorbances at 2925–2905 cm⁻¹ and 3300 cm⁻¹ reflect significant mixing between terrestrial and aquatic organic matter, linked to dynamic sea-level changes and increasing riverine inputs. The organic mangrove soils exhibit FT-IR absorption peaks for phenolic and aromatic compounds at 1630 cm⁻¹, indicating advanced humification stages, while the basal sands preserve higher proportions of aliphatic hydrocarbons, as indicated by vibrations at 1475 cm⁻¹, suggesting influences from grain size, sulfur-reduction pathways, and the inhibitory effects of high phenolic content on organic carbon preservation.
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