Petrochemistry of volcanic rocks in Suwan-N Prospect of Chatree gold deposit, Phichit Province, Central Thailand
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Suwan-N prospect is in Phichit Province, Central Thailand, within the Loei Fold Belt, a region known for its significant mineral deposits, including the nearby Chatree gold deposit. This study focused on the lithology and geochemistry of volcanic host rocks and an associated andesitic dyke collected from the Suwan-N prospect. Main volcanic hosts were identified as plagioclase-hornblende-phyric andesite, plagioclase-phyric dacite, and andesitic breccia. In addition, an andesitic dyke was described as a later state that intruded into the earlier host volcanics. Petrographic features and geochemical compositions indicated that these host volcanic share similarities with other epithermal deposits in the Loei-Phetchabun-Nakhon Nayok volcanic belt, displaying calc-alkaline magmatism and pervasive hydrothermal alteration. In contrast, the later andesitic dyke exhibited a distinct tholeiitic magma series, suggesting it originated from a different magmatic process. Geochemical data suggested that this andesitic dyke intruded after the main mineralization phase, pointing to the continuation of tectonic activity in the region.
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