Petrography and Microstructural Analysis along the Klaeng Fault Zone, Eastern Thailand: Insights from Ductile and Brittle Deformation Zones
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The Himalayan orogeny, resulting from the collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates during the Cenozoic, has significantly influenced the tectonic structures of Thailand and Southeast Asia. This study examines the Klaeng fault zone, a NNW-SSE to N-S strike-slip fault extending from Nong Yai gneiss to the Khao Chamao fault, through microstructural analysis and petrography. Key features such as bulging, subgrain rotation, grain boundary migration, S-C and S-C’ fabrics, mica fish, myrmekites, and 'V'-pull-apart structures reveal dynamic recrystallization and kinematics. The Khao Yaida metagranite and Ban Tha Cham pluton deformed under low to intermediate temperatures and moderate stress during extensional exhumation. While the Khao Chamao experienced from high to low temperatures during the cooling phase of exhumation. Most of ductile deformation coeval to the sinistral movement of the Klaeng fault zone during the Eocene, and later overprinted by late Eocene dextral motion, influenced by the Himalayan orogeny.
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