Petrography and deformation history of the Three Pagodas Fault, western Thailand
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The Three Pagodas Fault has formed as a result of the collision between the Indian plate and the Eurasia plate. The geology mainly consists of migmatitic gneiss, augen gneiss, marble, schist, quartzite, calc-silicate, metamorphosed under amphibolite to granulite facies. Field mapping and microstructure analysis were applied to reveal the kinematic history of the Three Pagodas Fault. The evolution of the strike-slip zone can be divided into D1 and D2. The early part of the first stage is D1a involving ductile sinistral shearing and metamorphism. Foliations show the NW-SE striking with variably dipping between east to west, and the stretching lineations are well developed in NW-SE trending with sub-horizontal plunging to the south. This stage shows a NW-SE ductile deformation with a sinistral shearing. The subsequent D1b is dominated by sinistral transpression related to the exhumation of a lens shape of this high-grade metamorphic complex. The last stage (D2) is represented by dextral strike-slip fault, which is the inversion of this strike-slip system.
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