Devonian Tentaculite of the Thong Pha Phum Group in Si Sawat District, Kanchanaburi Province
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The Thong Pha Phum Group is well exposed in the study area. It consists mainly of shale, siltstone, sandstone, limestone, argillaceous limestone, calcareous shale, calcareous mudstone, and laminated mudstone with many fossils such as graptolites, tentaculites, ostracods, brachiopods, nautiloids and trilobites. These strata are conformably underlain by the Thung Song Group and are conformably overlain by the Khuan Klang Formation. The purposes of this study are to clarify the detailed stratigraphy, age and paleoenvironment of the Thong Pha Phum Group in Kanchanaburi Province. The results show that abundant tentaculites were recognized and they consist of 7 species belonging to 3 genera: Nowakia acuaria, Nowakia (Cepanowakia) pumilio, Styliolina fissurella, Styliolina clavulus, Styliolina sp. A, Homoctenus tikhyi, and Homoctenus arctus. They indicate Lower to Upper Devonian age. In addition, the lower rock strata under Thong Pha Phum Group yield graptolites (Monograptus sp. and Diplograptus sp.) indicating probably Silurian? to Lower Devonian age. Based on lithofacies and sedimentary structures, they suggest that the Thong Pha Phum Group was deposited on the slope environment to deep marine basin in low energy condition.
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