Submarine Canyon Architecture and Evolutionary in the Miocene Deepwater Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
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Despite the excessive cost of drilling operations and oil and gas instrumentation, the understanding of paleo-geometry has become crucial to lower the financial plan and maximize the drilling plans' performance. In offshore exploration, a three-dimensional seismic survey is critical for interpreting reservoir stratigraphy and depositional mechanisms, especially in the deeper marine basins. The submarine canyon in the deepwater Taranaki Basin has been modeled to have low sinuosity in the early channel system and higher sinuosity in the late channel system. The six main depositional architectures, such as basal lag (BL), erosional surfaces (ES), debris flows (DF), turbidite channels (TC), lateral accretion packages (LAPs), and mass transport deposit (MTD), were found in this canyon by seismic facies interpretation. High amplitude reflections (HARs) and Low amplitude reflections (LARs) that categorize those six-architecture elements can be used to identify the lithology in the individual channel. The channel evolution was recognized to occur in six-channel orders from the early Miocene channel system to the late Miocene channel system that influenced the channel stacking pattern types (lateral and vertical aggradation stacking patterns) in the study area. The depositional architecture and channel stacking pattern that creates channel complex systems were studied to consider reservoir connectivity and net-to-gross (N:G) ratio.
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