Extensional Fault Systems in Mae Moh Basin, Lampang province, Thailand, based on 3D Seismic Data
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The Mae Moe Basin is a major NE-SW trending failed rift basin on the remnants of the Sukhothai Arc of Northern Thailand. The Cenozoic sediments of the basin have been significantly displaced by syn-rift and post-rift deformation and erosion, which make for a labyrinthine of basin structures. In this paper, the preliminary research results of the Mae Moh mine based on 3D seismic data will be presented. The anisotropic nature of the Mae Moh mine strata seems to play a crucial role in the fault geometries present. The architectures present in the Mae Moh mine 3D seismic data show two different fault systems. The first fault system shows evidence of a variable west-northwest strike direction normal faults. The second fault system indicates normal faults linking with low-angle listric faults. Both fault systems offer evidence of linkage causing sigmodal geometries to be present in map view and show correlation through seismic attributes and horizons.
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