Extracting geological features from fine chronostratigraphic surfaces of the Late Jurassic-Cretaceous post-rift strata in the Dampier Sub-basin, NW Shelf of Australia
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The Dampier Sub-basin is an important hydrocarbon basin with significant oil and gas of the Northern Carnarvon Basin (NCB) in the North West Shelf of Australia. Late Jurassic syn-rift strata represent important reservoirs in several fields in the Dampier Sub-basin of the NCB. Understanding the depositional and structural systems is important in the hydrocarbon exploration to reduce risk. Commonly, petroleum-related geological features (e.g., paleochannels, faults) are extracted by preforming seismic attributes at or near top formation surfaces. However, most surfaces are not always possible to present those features. This study applied geo-model grid method to create two hundred fine chronostratigraphic surfaces between key formation surfaces within the Late Jurassic-Cretaceous post-rift strata in the Dampier Sub-basin. The technique used in this study is to understand depositional environment and structural interpretation. Three seismic attributes (RMS amplitude, spectral decomposition, and variance) and RGB blending were applied to the chronostratigraphic surfaces. The results show that there are channels in the Cretaceous strata with flow direction running towards SW and NW. In Late Jurassic strata, there are normal faults that oriented NNE direction which consistent to Late Triassic – Last Jurassic rifting (Syn-rift) localized extension in the Dampier Sub-basin in WNW-ESE direction.
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Copyright © 2008 Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University. Parts of an article can be photocopied or reproduced without prior written permission from the author(s), but due acknowledgments should be stated or cited accordingly.
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