Temporal Investigation of the Frequency-magnitude Distribution and Fractal Dimension in the Northern Thailand: A comparison
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According to the Indo-Australian and Eurasian plate collision, a large number of seismogenic fault zone were dominant as the intraplate earthquake sources within the Mainland Southeast Asia or the Thailand-Laos-Myanmar border. Up to the present, hazardous earthquakes were generated continuously in 35 yr during 1980-2015. Therefore, this study aims mainly to investigate the earthquake activates and pattern of earthquake occurrence in this region. Regarding to statistical seismology, both b value of the frequency-magnitude distribution and fractal dimension (Dc) were, therefore, analyzed temporally. In addition in terms of the utilized dataset, both dataset of before- and after-declustering were recognized. As a result, it reveals that both b and Dc value analyzed by the after-declustering dataset is meaningless in term of seismotectonic meaning. In contrast, the before-declustering dataset is meaningful for both b and Dc analysis. Based on the beforedeclustering dataset, b value is decrease continuously during 35 yr of 1980-2015 before both Mae Lao and Tarlay earthquakes posed. In addition, the Dc values are drop down suddenly during or after these earthquakes were generated. This may imply the earthquake precursor which useful for earthquake mitigation in any site of interest the future. For b-Dc relationships, both Mae Lao and Tarlay earthquakes express the different correlation. Mae Lao earthquake indicate the positive relation while Tarlay earthquake express negative relation. This relation, therefore, may accord to the different characteristic or activities of each fault zone. To further refine seismic activities (b value) and seismic pattern (Dc) value including their relationship in this region, more detailed case studies of earthquake that generated in different seismogenic fault are need.
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