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Fractured carbonate reservoir is a new hydrocarbon target in the “A area,” which is located in the north-western part of the Suphanburi basin, western Thailand. Based on study of cutting chip samples from this newly recognized basement reservoir interval in well A-01, this producing zone be an interval of fractured and brecciated marble. It is not made up of Ordovician limestone, as was previously inferred. This study uses a combination of petrographic analysis, XRD analysis and carbon-oxygen isotope analysis, combined with image log (FMI or CMI) reinterpretation. Implications, in terms of reservoir quality, are discussed and relationships between subsurface and outcrop are defined. Reservoirhosting fractured marbles show a dominant NNE-SSW fracture direction, which is directly related to a measured minor fracture trend seen in outcrop. C-O isotope crossplots define three trends, related to increasing metamorphic grade and subsequent uplift. Trend 1 is a lower temperature burial trend representing a set of deep meteoric fluids contaminating marbles located near fissures in the very early stages of Paleogene uplift. Trend 2 is an older trend than trend 1 and is tied to increasing burial tem-peratures of the late mesogenetic burial or metamorphic realm. Trend 3 is the youngest, and is related to entry of typical (soil-gas enriched) telogenetic fluids during Tertiary-age uplift. Trend 3 samples are associated with the development of reservoir-grade secondary porosity. In terms of total rock volume, trend 2 dominates the rock fluid signature. This suggests that the likelihood of porosity storage and permeability in the rock matrix is very low. Productive storage will be found in uplift-related solution-enhanced fissures or late-stage fractures and fault-related breccia haloes
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Copyright © 2008 Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University. Parts of an article can be photocopied or reproduced without prior written permission from the author(s), but due acknowledgments should be stated or cited accordingly.
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