Structure Style and Palaeo-stress History of the Khao Thalai Area, Chanthaburi, Thailand

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Nguyen Quang Tuan


The Khao Thalai area of Chanthaburi Province is made of prominent NNW-SSE trending ridges in the surrounding flat plain. Field observations and kinematic interpretation were used to reconstruct the structural style and palaeo-stress history of the area, which is composed of a series of NW-SE to WSWENE trending rotated normal fault, a large NNW-SSE strike-slip fault and a series of NW-SE thrust faults. Overall, there are least three episode of deformation and the kinematic history of these features supports the existing regional structure model.

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How to Cite
Quang Tuan, N. (2021). Structure Style and Palaeo-stress History of the Khao Thalai Area, Chanthaburi, Thailand. Bulletin of Earth Sciences of Thailand, 3(2), 59–62. retrieved from
Research Articles


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