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Teerapong Jiratitipat


3D seismic data and well data of the Volve field are integrated with seismic attributes to determine the tectonic evolution and fault system which were caused by salt movement during Triaasic and Jurassic periods. In the methodology, there are many attributes for seismic enhancement, fault imaging, fault enhancment and fault-patch extraction. Median filter is used for seismic enhancement. Variance and Chaos attributes are used to imaging faults and the fault image in Varinace attribute presented better images than Chaos attribute, thus the result of Variance attribute volume is processed in the next step. Edge Evidence and Ant-Tracking attributes are used to enhance fault image. The results present clear fault features of the Volve field. Automatic Fault Extraction (AFE) feature in the softwere does not work in this field. It may be due to a large number of fault-patches and high range of fault values in the Ant-Tracking attribute. The result of this study presents the fault image clearly in the Volve field. Moreover, the fault orientation of Triassic section are in NW-SE and NE-SW directions. The NE-SW direction is along the same direction with the major fault trend of the South Viking Graben. Although, there are a minor shift from the fault orientation in the Upper Permian section. It may be caused by salt movement. At last, the fault images in the Ant-Tracking attribute present low tectonic activity during Jurassic period due to lack of faults in the Jurassic section.

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How to Cite
Jiratitipat, T. . (2021). MAPPING OF FAULT SYSTEM RELATED TO SALT MOVEMENT IN VOLVE FIELD, OFFSHORE NORWAY, NORTH SEA. Bulletin of Earth Sciences of Thailand, 12(2), 25–36. retrieved from
Research Articles


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