Petrochemistry of granite from Takua Pit Thong area, Ratchaburi, Thailand
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Takua Pit Thong mine was a tin-tungsten mine associated with granites of the Western Granite Belt. Petrographic and geochemical studies reveal two granitic rock units: porphyritic granite and equigranular granite. Both granites show similar petrography characteristics except for tourmaline which appears only in equigranular granite, and their texture. Based on whole-rock geochemistry, porphyritic granite is ferroan, alkalic, peraluminous monzonite whereas equigranular granite is ferroan, alkali- to alkali-calcic, peraluminous granodiorite. Both granites show S-type affinity. Trace element plots, i.e. Rb-Y-Nb and Rb-Yb-Ta space, classify both granites to syn-collisional and within-plate granites. Moreover, the enrichment in LILE (e.g. K, Rb) and HFSE (e.g. Nb, Ti) support that the both granites formed by the partial melting of sedimentary rock in a post-collisional setting.
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