Source-Rock, Reservoir and Hydrocarbon Mapping Using Far-Offset, Elastic Impedance and Extended Elastic Impedance Seismic Volumes, Volve Field, Offshore Norway, North Sea
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Mapping formation boundaries and generating the distribution of rock and fluid properties are desirable objectives for reservoir production and further exploration. To achieve the study’s objectives, Rock-physics analyses, AVO analyses, Elastic Impedance and Extended Elastic Impedance inversion methods were applied for two main lithologies include sandstone reservoir in Hugin Formation and the potential source rocks - high organic claystone in Draupne Formation. The study shows that the Near-angle stack seismic data and Far stack seismic data would have the best image for the Top Draupne organic-rich claystone (classified as AVO class IV) and the Top Hugin sandstone (classified as AVO class II) respectively. The oil sand within the Hugin Formation and the high organic claystone within the Draupne Formation were identified by applying the inversion based cross-plot method for the Near and Far elastic impedance inversions. The Extended elastic impedance inversion method was applied to generate inversions at specific chi (χ) angle to relatively represent Vclay and porosity. Seismic attributes applied for these inversion volumes at Hugin and Draupne Formation provide the distribution of rock-fluid properties and other geology information such as depositional environments. In general, the study indicated the most suitable seismic data for mapping formation boundaries and generated the distribution of rock and fluid properties using seismic inversion methods.
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Copyright © 2008 Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University. Parts of an article can be photocopied or reproduced without prior written permission from the author(s), but due acknowledgments should be stated or cited accordingly.
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