Preliminary Study on Petrography and Geochemistry of Basaltic Rock in Central Phetchabun, Thailand
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The basalt of the Loei-Phetchabun Fold Belt is complicated in its distribution because of the association of Cenozoic with Permo-Triassic volcanic rocks. Phetchabun is well-known as tectonically impacted terrane having undergone several magmatic phases. Volcanic rocks in Phetchabun have been classified into two main groups: Wang Pong and Wichian Buri due to tectonics and age of origin. Our study area is located in central Phetchabun between the Nong Phai, Chon Daen, Bueng Sam Phan and Wichian Buri districts. Volcanic rocks in some part of the area have not been well described and classified. In this study, we aim to identify type and composition of basalts in Central Phetchabun by emploring petrological, XRD and XRF analysis. Four volcanic rock samples were chosen to represent the northern and southern part of the study area as they demonstrated different physical properties related to the various mineral composition. The results show that the samples can be classified into three groups by chemical and mineral composition. G2 and G4 from the southern part (in Bueng Sam Phan and Wichian Buri districts) which are basaltic andesite and basalt, show similar chemical characteristics, and represents the transition from Tholeiite to Calc-alkaline Series. By comparing with previous studies, the samples from the southern part can be correlated with basalt from Wichian Buri group, which occurred during a Cenozoic rifting event. The samples G1 and G3 are from the northern part of the study area (in Chon Daen district). G1 has anomalously high alkaline values and shows altered olivine phenocrysts. It was classified as mugearite. G3, an andesitic basalt, has a predominantly porphyritic texture and represents Calc-alkaline Series. Based on mineralogy and chemical composition, samples from the northern part are possible to be classified in the Wang Pong group which occurred during pre-Cenozoic subduction event. Trace and rare earth elements studies are recommended for further study.
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