Seismic Pattern and Co-seismic Stress of Aftershock Sequences in the mainland Southeast Asia
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This study focuses on analyzing the characteristics of the aftershock in the MSEA due to the magnitude of the aftershock that occurred after the 2004 Sumatra mainshock, equivalent to the magnitude of the 2011 Tarlay mainshock. The seismicity of aftershock sequences for the 13 seismic source zones proposed in the MSEA was analyzed by estimated the fractal dimension (Dc) and the frequency–magnitude distribution (a and b values) and which is used only the aftershock data. After estimated, the obtained Dc value can be implied the behavior of the distribution of aftershock sequences in the MSEA, whereas the obtained b value can be implied the co-seismic stress for aftershock sequences. In addition, the empirical relationships of Dc and b values and Dc value with a/b ratios for the aftershock sequence are different from the relationships for mainshock, where both the relationships are positive correlation, with Dc = 0.13b + 2.07 and Dc = 0.21(a/b) + 0.98, respectively. In case of the regression coefficients of both correlations, for the aftershock are less than for the mainshock. Therefore, the both relationships of mainshock were more reliable and effective than the both relationships of aftershock in the MSEA.
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