Vein textures and chemistry of ore minerals associated with high grade gold mineralization from A east pit, Chatree gold deposit, Central Thailand
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Quartz texture, mineral assemblages and chemical compositions of ore minerals in A east pit of Chatree deposit were investigated to characterize the high grade gold mineralization. The deposit is characterized by quartz-carbonate-chlorite-adularia-pyrite veins and breccias intruding volcaniclastic sedimentary to andesitic volcanic breccia. Gold and electrum form as inclusion, fine-grained and mainly concentrated in pyrite host, based on quartz textural and petrological analysis. Adularia occur as multiple-phase inclusion of gold in pyrite host and rhodochrosite occur as gangue mineral and associated with gold bearing sulphide. The vein samples studies also associated with telluride enriched in electrum grain. Mineralized of quartz with a various textures includes banding, plumose, comb-zonal, moss, ghost-sphere and saccharoidal texture. The banded and plumose quartz texture are most closely associated with high grade gold and the most common texture of the vein samples studies.
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