Seismicity Change Prior to Major Earthquakesof the SumatraAndaman Subduction Zone; Implication for Tectonic Regime

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Santawat Sukrungsri
Santi Pailoplee


In this study, the seismicity pattern changes prior to the 2004 Sumatra and 2012 Indian Ocean earthquakewere investigated statistically according to the Region-Time-Length (RTL) algorithm. The utilized earthquake catalogue was occupied by the International Seismological Centre (ISC). After details analysis, the earthquake dataset with Mw 4.4 recorded during 1980-2015 were completeness in term of seismotectonic investigation.The temporal variation and the spatial distributions revealed consistent characteristics in seismicity pattern changes. The seismic quiescence anomalies generally started a few years before the occurrence of the interplate earthquakes, i.e., 2004 Sumatra earthquake while the earthquakes within an oceanic intraplate, i.e., 2012 Indian Ocean earthquake indicated seismic quiescence anomalies started a several years before the following earthquake posed. According to stochastic test, it is revealed that the RTL signal obtained here is not artifact. Therefore, we concluded preliminarily that the different time span of quiescence imply significantly the different tectonic regime.

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How to Cite
Sukrungsri, S., & Pailoplee, S. (2021). Seismicity Change Prior to Major Earthquakesof the SumatraAndaman Subduction Zone; Implication for Tectonic Regime . Bulletin of Earth Sciences of Thailand, 8(1), 16–24. retrieved from
Research Articles


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