Evolution of Precursory Seismic Quiescence of the Mw-6.8 Nam Ma Earthquake, Thailand-Myanmar Borders
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We analyzed the evolution of the seismicity pattern related with the Nam Ma earthquake (Mw = 6.8) by using the statistical seismology method RTL (Region–Time–Length) algorithm to the seismicity data of the International Seismological Centre (ISC), recorded during 1969 - 2014. With using appropriate characteristic RTL parameter r0 = 90 km, t0 = 1.5 year and the minimum number of event (n) = 30, the retrospective assessment of RTL algorithm along Thailand-Laos-Myanmar borders have implied that the seismicity pattern changes before the main shock of earthquake. To illustrate clearly the evolution of seismicity pattern, the spatial distribution map were sliced by the time interval every 0.25 year before and after the Nam Ma earthquake. Following the quiescence stage, the anomalous area appeared corresponding to the epicenter of an earthquake. Hence, considering the seismic quiescence as precursory seismicity may provide beneficial information for understanding the process of strong earthquakes and evaluating the hazard or risk alarm.
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