Diagenesis and Porosity-Reducing Mechanism in Moragot Field, Pattani Basin, Gulf of Thailand
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Lower to middle mid-Miocene sandstones are the petroleum reservoirs in Moragot Field, southern part of Pattani Basin, Thailand. These sandstones were deposited in continental, transitional and marine environments. This study combined wireline logs, thin section and scanning electron microscope to enhance the understanding of the diagenesis and porosity-reducing mechanisms in this area.
In general, porosity decreases with depth due to increasing overburden. A combination of cementation with a high clay content and poor sorting contributed destroying porosity. In contrast, quartz overgrowths have a positive correlation with porosity. Moreover, except quartz cement, dissolution of framework grains and cement also recovers porosity lost by diagenesis. The reservoir interval of Moragot Field is stratigraphically deeper than other areas plus the depositional environment changes to a transitional clay-rich environment.
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Copyright © 2008 Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University. Parts of an article can be photocopied or reproduced without prior written permission from the author(s), but due acknowledgments should be stated or cited accordingly.
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