Storms and Volcanoes : Preservation of Catastrophic Events in the Tanjung Layar Outcrop, Bayah, Banten, Indonesia

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Hidayat Syah Putra


A detailed analysis of sedimentology, stratigraphy, and general biostratigraphy of the early Miocene Bayah area in Tanjung Layar outcrop indicates that the depositional environment of the area is shoreface. Three principal facies associations were defined within the sedimentary record of the Tanjung Layar outcrop based on  petrography and observed sedimentary structures : i) storm beds, ii) lithic conglomerates, and iii) volcaniclastic deposits. Lithic conglomerates and volcaniclastic deposits are interpreted as debris flows derived from subaerial and subaqueous material. From thin sections, the immature volcanic material consists of feldspar, quartz, plagioclase, some opaques, and lithic fragments. Locally, bioturbated storm beds can have good reservoir potential in the Tanjung Layar area.

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How to Cite
Syah Putra, H. (2021). Storms and Volcanoes : Preservation of Catastrophic Events in the Tanjung Layar Outcrop, Bayah, Banten, Indonesia. Bulletin of Earth Sciences of Thailand, 7(1&2), 58–65. retrieved from
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